Random thoughts, misheard lyrics, & immature outbursts from a disintegrated mind
Frosted Icing
Bake from the box, ice from scratch damnit.
Over 500,000 Scoville units.
Random thoughts, misheard lyrics, & immature outbursts from a disintegrated mind
The two women don't even know each other.
What you're talking about is a "love angle".
The act of looking for the song widget right when the person's profile begins to load, so you can click the "pause" button before somebody's idea of "music" blasts through your computer speakers. Extra points for not accidently hitting the play button for the 1% of people that don't have their song set to play automatically.
Find the one with the least amount of someone's hair in it.
Sweater teeth - Drink a regular coke and then gnash your teeth together gently... You'll see what I mean...
You can do magic.
You can have anything that you desire.
And you know you're the one who can poot out the fire.
To read this note is a fool's folly.